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FOR PARENTS AND HOSTS! Greek Terms and Definitions Lists - Primary & Junior

When the Discovery Journals are released each summer, I like to get out the highlighters and scan through the text to find terms and definitions, cross-references, and other important information.  This helps me to begin to get a handle on what the kids will be learning and how I can best organize study materials for them.

The lists provided here are intended for parents and hosts to use.  Each list is organized a few different ways - Navigate and Explore terms, alphabetical order, and the order the terms appear in the Discovery Journal (chronological).

To that end, I have created a number system that helps me not only sort and organize the lists to use for various purposes, but it also gives me information about where to find the terms in the Discovery Journal.

Each term is identified by a three-digit number.  The first number indicates the unit in which the term is found.  The second number indicates the lesson.  The third number shows which order the terms are found in a particular lesson.

Example: The number 1.1.1 would indicate that the terms is the first term found in Unit 1 Lesson 1.

2021 SS Primary Vocabulary Lists, PDF

2021 SS Junior Vocabulary Lists, PDF


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