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31 Ways to Fit 30 Minutes of Memorization Into Your Day

Do you want to find creative ways to make memorization part of your daily routine?  Check out the list below to find 31 ways to fit 30 minutes of memorization into your day.

31 Creative Ways to Make Memorization a Part of Your Daily Routine

  1. First thing in the morning
  2. While brushing your teeth
  3. Before breakfast
  4. During breakfast
  5. After breakfast
  6. While washing dishes
  7. During daily Bible reading
  8. During daily Discovery Journal study time
  9. While you work on a chore
  10. While playing outside
  11. Before lunch
  12. During lunch
  13. After lunch
  14. While driving or riding in the car
  15. While waiting at the doctor/dentist
  16. At the park
  17. While you knit, sew, color, draw, etc.
  18. While riding your bike
  19. Before dinner
  20. During dinner
  21. After dinner
  22. During school time
  23. In the shower
  24. While cooking or baking
  25. While on a run/walk
  26. During family Bible time
  27. Before bed
  28. Just before falling asleep
  29. During your free time
  30. While doing sit-ups, push-ups, or other exercise
  31. While walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike

Check out the rest of the All About Memorization Series here and here.


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