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Showing posts from April, 2021

Are You Ready?

Memorization is a skill that can be practiced and developed over time.  Everyone has the ability to memorize.  For some the skill comes very easily.  For others it may require a lot of hard work.  But the fact remains, it is an ability that anyone can develop with enough consistent effort. The Memory Muscle You may have heard it said that the skill of memorization is like a muscle.  Put it under some stress, give it time to recover, and you will begin to see growth in your ability to memorize.  An easy way to strengthen your memory muscle is to work on short bursts of memorization and review  each day. Imagine going to the gym to strengthen your bicep muscles by performing bicep curls.  In order not to injure yourself, it is important to do a warm-up set of curls before adding more weight to the dumb bells.  This is the same as the review  part of memory work.  Start your memorization for the day with a few minutes of review.  ...